Principal WhatsApp Bot
Introducing the Mera Skool's WhatsApp Bot πŸš€ for Parents & Students

Simply send a message to our WhatsApp bot and get all the information you need in real-time. It's quick, easy, and efficient!

Here's what our WhatsApp bot can do for you:

Student Information πŸ“‡
Get all your basic details like name, roll number, admission number, and more at your fingertips.

Fee πŸ’°
Check your fee records to see what's paid and what's pending. Stay on top of your financial obligations with ease.

Fees History πŸ“œ
Need a complete record of your fee payments? No problem! Access your entire fee payment history anytime.

Attendance πŸ“…
Keep track of your attendance record. Whether you've been absent or present, our bot's got you covered.

Exam Result πŸ…
Get your latest exam results instantly. No more waiting in long lines or refreshing webpages!

Result History πŸ“š
Access your complete exam result history. See how you've progressed over time and identify areas for improvement.

Assignment πŸ“
Find out what your latest assignments are and never miss a deadline again.

Assignment History πŸ—‚οΈ
Review all your past assignments. Keep track of what you've submitted and what's still pending.

Remark πŸ—¨οΈ
Get the latest remarks from your teachers. Stay informed about your performance and areas where you can improve.

Remark History πŸ“œ
Access the complete history of remarks given to you. Reflect on feedback to continuously improve.

Salient Features

More standout functionalities are:

Students WhatsApp Bot Attendance Command - View full attendance at glanceStudents WhatsApp Bot Fee History Command - View full fees history at glanceStudents WhatsApp notification - System generated notification for attendanceStudents WhatsApp fee reminder notification - System generated fee reminder notification and option to pay onlineStudents WhatsApp Bot Fee Command - View full school fees at glanceStudents WhatsApp Bot Result Command - View full student result at glance

Give it a Try. It's free for 3 months

Experience the benefits firsthand – try it now, absolutely free for 3 months. Take advantage of our offer and discover how our platform can revolutionize your school management experience.